Lost in the Woods.
This Child Survival program is presented to students, cubs, guides, parents and interest groups across North America. It is not the Hug a Tree program. It goes into more detail
and adds more Rules for Survival . The presentation is about one hour and thirty minutes. The maximum group size is about one hundred and twenty (or whatever the instructor can handle).
The film, Lost in the Woods II (re-produced by SARBC in 2005), is shown as part of the presentation. Experiments taken from the book, Lost in the Woods by Colleen Politano, are done
during each session.
The Lost in the Woods Child Survival presentation Instructor kit includes:
- Video - Lost in the Woods II, 24 minutes, by SARBC (DVD or VHS format)
- Video - Lost in the Woods - The Two Calvins, by SARBC (DVD or VHS Format - Not available in Loaner Kit
- Video - Lost in the Woods Instructor Demo - one of, in our opinion, the best instructors teaching a group of students, 1 hour 20 minutes
- Video - Lost in the Woods Instructor Instructions - This video is to give an Instructor some ideas about presenting the material.
- Book - Lost in the Woods by Colleen Politano
- Handout - Illustrated 9 Rules, suitable for copying
- Certificate - Sample, change and copy to suit
Contact us to borrow or purchase a kit.
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