Since 1984
Who is the Search & Rescue Society of BC (SARBC) and what is it that we do?
It all started in 1983 with one mans idea: The belief that lives could be saved by promoting the exchange of information, by developing new search techniques, by speeding up the
search and analysis process and by showing why planning information is so important. The belief that it does not matter who finds the missing subject, it only matters that the missing
subject is found. The belief that every lost subject deserves to have every resource made available to them, free of charge.
These founding beliefs remain today. The name was not chosen to imply that we oversee or govern Search and Rescue in British Columbia. We do not. Most teams have their location as
part of their name. Our geographical area is British Columbia. We will, and have, responded to all parts of the Province. Our services are available, free of charge, to any citizen
in British Columbia. Hence, the Search and Rescue Society of British Columbia made sense.
The Search and Rescue Society (SARBC) is a non-government, direct access, registered charity that provides resources and technology not normally available on wilderness and underwater missing person incidents.
In conjunction with our alliance partners, SARBC is able to offer specialized human detection resources to aid in the resolve of a missing person incident that are not normally available for the ground or water search effort. These include a wide range of resources, not limited to: life detection ground penetrating RADAR, specialized high resolution SONAR systems, underwater ROVs, wilderness forensic identification, night search systems that include alternate spectrum search equipment, active passage detection confinement systems, specialized canine search resources, high resolution thermal imaging and more.
To our knowledge no other group in the Province offers this combination of resources.
No single organization can have all of the answers or resources when it comes to locating those that have become lost. It is for this reason that SARBC maintains strategic alliances with other similar purpose NGO's. Alliances foster cooperative collaboration, increase the range of services available and reduce costly equipment duplication.
It maybe infrequent that such specialized resources are required to locate a missing person but every missing person deserves to be found and every family deserves closure.
Often copied, but never duplicated. Contact us, we may be able to assist.
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SARBC's Privacy Policy is located here: PrivacyPolicy.pdf
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If you would like more information about any of our Programs or require assistance with an unresolved missing person incident, please contact us.
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